Combo configuration in Retail POS
Combo item is the items which is created by the combination of different items with different price. Mostly combo items are created on the special occasions by user to increase the sales.
Business rules
- System will not maintain stock for combo items only mapped items stock will be tracked.
- Every time comb items sold, the stock of mapped items should be reduced.
- There is a menu called combo configuration under inventory master module, user should go to that screen to map multiple items under created combo item.
- In combo configuration screen, user should select the created combo items from the list by searching the item code or item name.
- Enter selling price and mrp price of the combo item for sale.
- Then user should load the standard items one by one and enter qty for each items for combo.
- To save the combo configuration user should press the function key called “save”.
- In combo items list, only the items which is saved as combo in preparation status should list out to select.
- User can view or edit the updated combo configuration by using the function keys called view and edit at any time.