Barcode printeing weighing machine configuration in Retail POS
Weighing Barcode is used to generate the barcode for the weighable and countable items which to be billed at POS and it simplifies the task at the billing counter.
Business rules
- Weighable items – Some items like fruits, vegetables are weighable. When packed in a single packet, these items need to be weighed exactly before billing.
- Countable items – There are also other items that come as pieces i.e, eggs, coconuts etc. which can not be weighed instead they are counted (in units) for billing.
- Weighing barcode machine print barcode for both weighable and countable items. It can be scanned at POS to load the items with exact weight of the products and exact cost rate for the weight.
- Each weighable items and sale based (Weight or count) will be mapped in Item master based on this only the barcode will get generated.
- Once user mapped the weighable and countable items in item master, There should be the screen where user can configure the weighable barcode which supported by the barcode weighing machine.
- Then user will take all the weighable and countable items in csv file and that file will be mapped with weighing barcode machine by weighing barcode machine vendors.
- Once the POS system and weighing barcode machine is configured successfully, the user will take barcode print for any weighable or countable items for weighed weight or packed qty with respective price of the weight or qty.
- Then the taken barcode labels will be pasted on the items, When that barcode is scanned at POS sales screen, then all the details like item name, weight or qty and price will be auto loaded in POS screen and then user will proceed to complete the billing.
- This weighing barcode will improve the seamless billing at counter. Also helps customer to bring the required goods to counter.