Attractive promotional offers generate sales
Yes, it is possible to create multiple promotional offers that will effectively attract customers to your store and tempt them to make purchases. Offering appealing promotions can capture potential buyers’ attention and encourage them to engage with your products or services.
Retailers must configure the necessary promotional offers in the application based on their needs, store stocks, and sales data.

Types of promotions
It is important to understand what types of promotional offers are commonly offered by retailers. To simplify your work, we have listed widely known promotional offer types that are popular among retailers.
Bill wise promotion
In bill wise promotion type retailers typically set an offer based on the bill amount. It is completely up to the bill amount. If the bill amount matches the configured amount, the configured discount percentage or discount amount will be deducted from the bill amount, or the configured free items will be added to the bill for free. In bill-wise promotions, retailers create offers like the ones shown below.
- Buy greater than X, equal to X or between X and Y then get D % of discount from bill amount
- Buy greater than X, equal to X or between X and Y then get D amount of discount from bill amount
- Buy greater than X, equal to X or between X and Y then get N quantity of item A as free with the bill
In the above examples, X and Y refers the bill amount, D is discount (percentage of amount), N is quantity and A is specific item.
Example : If bill amount greater than Rs 5000 then get 2 % of discount from the bill amount (Buy greater than X then get D % of discount from bill amount).
Item wise promotion
In item-wise promotions, retailers focus on selling items based on quantity or amount. So, once the item quantity or amount in a bill reaches the configured level, the configured offer is applied to the items. In the item-based promotion type, they create offers such as
- Buy N quantity of item X then get B % discount from item amount
- Buy N quantity of item X then get B amount as discount from item amount
- Buy N quantity of item X then get N quantity of item X as free
- Buy N quantity of item X then get N quantity of item Y as free
- Buy A amount of item X then get B % of discount from item amount
- Buy A amount of item X then B amount of discount from item amount
- Buy A amount of item X then get item X as free
- Buy A amount of item X then get item Y as free
In the above examples, X and Y refers the items, N is quantity, A is specific amount and B is discount (percentage or amount)
Example : When 2 quantities of item “Bat” is sold then get 4 quantities of item “Ball” as free (Buy N quantity of item X and then get N quantity of item Y as free).
Category wise promotion
In this category-specific promotional offer type, retailers set up promotions for specific categories. So, when specific category items reach the configured level, the created offers are applied to those category items. Retailers typically create the offers listed below using a retail POS application.
- Buy A amount of item in C category then get B value of discount (percentage or amount) from item amount or get item X as free
- Buy N quantity of items in C category then get B value of discount (percentage or amount) from item amount or get item X as free
- Buy A amount of items in C category then get B value of discount in bill amount
- Buy N quantity of items in C category then get B value of discount in bill amount
In the above examples, A refers the item amount, C is category, N is quantity, B is discount (percentage or amount) and X is specific free item.
Example : When Rs 2000 item amount is sold in single category (Ex – Grocery) then 2 % of discount will be applied in that specific categories items. (Buy A amount of item in C category then get B value of discount percentage from item amount).
Special promotion
Aside from creating offers based on bill amount, item, and category, a few retailers are creating other promotions. Let’s call it a special promotion. The following are special business promotions.
- Special rate R for an item X
- Special rate R for an item X when bill amount is greater than A, in between A & B or equal to A.
In the above list, R refer to rate, X is specific item and A & B or specific bill amount.
Example : Special rate 20 for an item “Water bottle” When bill amount is greater that Rs 2000.
Now we hope you have learnt the types of promotional offers which are commonly used in retail business. Other than this you have to know about the scheduler type and its type
Promotion scheduler type
Scheduler type is nothing but scheduling the promotion when to apply (date and time) and whom to apply (Customer)
- Period – Select specific date when offer should be active
- Happy days – Select specific days when offer should be active
- Happy hours – Select specific time (in hours) when offer should be active
- First N customers – Offer applied only for the first N number of customer after offer creation.
- Customer type – Select customer type
- Every Nth bill – Offer applier for every Nth bill of customer.
Using the required promotion type and scheduler type we can create a promotion based on our business requirements.
Creating promotion isn’t the end. Make sure you have shared all of your appealing promotions with customers via multiple channels such as messages, emails, WhatsApp, and in-person at the store. You can also create banners to share with customers. Try to inform them about the active promotion in as many ways as possible.