HSNCode master in Jaldi Super store POS
HSNcode master is used to create a HSNcodes and it’s description and tax rate, so that we can map the created HSNcode details with each products.
The HSN code is a 6-digit universal number that classifies over 5000 items and is recognised globally. HSN code is very much useful in Tax auditing.
Assume you need to create the HSN code for “Hamam 100gms” products in the Jaldi app, the HSN code and tax rate for Hamam 100gms soap is 34013011 & 18%, and you already have this number from the vendor invoice. So, to generate the HSN code in the Jaldi apps, follow the steps below.
How to create HSN code ?
- Open ‘hsncode’ menu to create new one and follow below shown steps.

- Update below marked input details and “save’.

How to edit the HSN details ?
- Only available or created HSN details can be edited.
- Go to HSNcode master screen, click on “Lookup / Search” function key.

- Note : only description and sales tax percentage could be edited for HSNcode. We could not change HSNcode.

How to delete HSN code ?
- Go to HSN code master screen. Click and open specific HSN code.
- There should be the “delete” function key, click on that and delete the record.