Offline Billing in Retail POS
When there is no network connection between server and counters, the billing counters will “Go Offline”.
Business rules
- Network connection is very much important for synchronisation between server and counters.
- Server will have full application functionality with or without network or internet.
- But when counters lost connection with server, counter application will logged out outomatically.
- When user again log in the counter application, system will show the message about the network lost and also should suggest the possible reasons of server connection lost and show possible solution to solve the network issue.
- Also system should ask user confirmation to “Go Offline”, when user confirmed, System will login the application with offline mode.
- In Offline mode, customer can do only billing i.e only sales bill.
- Every offline sales bills will be saved only on counters not in server until network issue is fixed.
- Once user fixed the network issue between server and counters, then every offline bills from the multiple counters will uploaded to server date and time wise.
- No offline bills should not be missed after upload.
- It is recommended to maintain counter wise bill no to resolve duplicate bill numbers issue when offline is enabled.