Price Level master for sales in Retail POS
Price level master is used to create a different prices level for items. Price level usually created for to sale a product for different types of customers. Business will have different prices for walk in customers, distributor, b2b customers, stockiest, their employees, friends and family. So user can create multiple prices for a single item and sale to different customer with different predefined price.
Business rules
- The created price level is mapped to customer or customer type.
- So while billing once the price level mapped customer is loaded, then the price details of the products will be different from the regular walk in customers.
- Multiple price levels can be created and used in POS.
- Created price level will not be deleted, they can be deactivated. User can activate and inactivate the created price level by using the function key called activity status.
- Only created price levels are allowed to view and edit by using the function keys “view” & “edit”.
Price Level master for sales in Retail POS steps in words
- Go to price level screen
- Enter price level name
- Select price level type from the following list.
- The types of price level are
- Item based – User have to load the items and have to enter the price for each items manually.
- Item formula based – User can give different markup and markdown formula for all items.
- Category formula based – User can give different markup and markdown formula for different categories
- Formula based – User will create formula for all items.
- Item slab wise – For different qty slab (Ex- 1 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 20) the price and formula will be different for each items
- User can set formula for “formula type” price levels from below steps,
- Select formula (markup/markdown), based on (MRP/Selling/Landing cost/margin/purchase price), By (amt or percentage), value, round off option(near, upper, lower, none), round off paise(100)
- save the price level.
- While creating the new price lever or editing the existing price level, user should selected the outlet names.
- Only on the selected outlets the price lever name will be shown for transaction. in other outlet it won’t shown.
Customer vs Price level mapping
The created price level can be applied in bill entry screen manually by using the function key called “price level”. but it is hard to load every time manually at POS. So user can map the price level to customer, So when the customer is selected then the price level will be applied automatically.
Business rules
- User need to open the customer type master and this master there is a input date field called price level, system will load all the created price level in drop down select any one of the price level and save. Every customer who come under this customer type are allowed for this mapped price level.
- If shop is not maintaining the customer types, user can go to the customer master screen, there user can find the price level input data and select the required price level for the customer.
- Only active price level should be listed in the drop down.
Applying the Price Level at POS sales bill
Price level will be applied at POS sales bill in two ways, one is manually by pressing the function key “price level” and another one is auto applying of price level by customer mapping.
Business rules
- Only the created and active price levels are allowed to list and apply in billing.
- For to apply manually for non mapped customers, press the “price level” function key and then system will load all the active price level name, select any one and apply in bill to change the item sale prices.
- For auto applying the price level, select the customer and items, price level will applied automatically.
- If the price level items is returned or bill is edited, then only the price level applied price will be proceeded.