Mobile POS counter in Retail POS
Mobile POS app is used as a separate counter in the form of mobile app just like we use the client machines.
Business rules
- Sales bill, sales order, Collection entry and sales return are some of supported features in mobile pos.
- Also we can take Reprint of Sales Bill and see some reports like Bill details, Order details, Collection details.
- Dashboard will show complete data such as orders,bills,returns etc made in that particular sell-smart device.
Sales order in Retail mobile POS counter
Sales order is a transactional document which contains the specific customer details and item details which is ordered by the specific customer along with order qty and price of each items. The Mobile POS counter should support the sales order creation using the mobile app.
Business rules
- There should be the separate menu called “sales order” in mobile app.
- There should be two column in mobile app to show items, one is category list and in inside of each category, respective items will be shown and another one is item list which has all the items.
- User will open that menu and will select the customer name from the existing customer list.
- If the customer is new customer, then user will create the customer in mobile app by using the add customer function key.
- Once customer selection is done, user will load items by searching the product by item code, item name or by scanning on the eancode and barcode.
- If items have the batch, then once items selected the respective item batch should be displayed to select the item batch wise.
- Once items selected, user will enter the order qty and move items to cart one by one.
- After that user will go to cart and click on “save” function key to save the sales order.
- The created sales order will be synced to POS application and where it will get converted in to sales bill.
- Sales order view and delete will be done in POS application.
Sales order in retail mobile POS counter workflow