Retail POS Security Management
It is the user security management feature which is used to create the users. Users are created to access the application. POS system will create one default admin user for business owner, an business owner will create other user credentials for his employees. With out the user credentials, it is not possible to login the POS application.
Business rules
- There is user security management menu under tools module open that.
- Once the user security management screen opened, user must select the security type for the first time in setting.
- It has two user security type,
- Role Based – Users are grouped under roles and roles have some permissions and restriction, on modules, menus and function keys and features.
- User Based – Every single user will have some permission and restrictions on modules, menus and function keys and features.
- After selecting the security type, user can create User group and user names under the created user group.
- System will have few default user groups like sales, purchase, manager and admin.
- User can use that default groups or user can edit the user group name by clicking on the edit button.
- To create a group, user should enter user group name and have to select company, division and location.
- Once the user groups are created, User can go inside and start creating the user list.
- To create a new employee or user, Admin should enter Name of the employee, mobile number, Email, company, division, location and login username and password.
- Once all the users are created, based on the security type the users will list out.
- Now admin can enable the modules and menus and permission to his employees. Also he can restrict some of the feature in enabled menu. (Ex:- Restricting bill edit to user or user group)
- If admin wants to set password for some features he can set that also (Ex:- keeping admin or manager password for to proceed sales edit to user or user group).
- If admin wants to hide some function key to the users, that to admin can do it in this screen. (Ex-removing the bill cancel function key to the user or user group)
Retail POS security Management workflow