Stock Update Master in Retail POS
Stock update master is the screen where the existing stocks details updated batch wise by user. This feature also will helps user to update the current stock and it’s expiry details.
Business rules
- There is a menu called stock update master under inventory, User should go to this screen when they need to update stock batch wise.
- In stock update master screen, Items will be selected by searching item code and item name and also items will be loaded using eancode and barcode scanning.
- User will load items (manually or by using filters or by scanning) one by one and also he can bulk load items by using the filters like category, supplier, manufacturer and stock level (zero stock, negative stock,stock above 0 and all stock)
- Once items selected the system will ask user to select batch and if user bulk load items by using the filters, then items will load in the screen batch wise.
- After item load, user should enter the available stock qty of each product in item line.
- If user want to change the details like price & expiry details (If needed) he can update and also he can enter the details which is missing for the items.
- Once all the required data is entered, then user should press “save” function key to save stock update master.
- After user saved, the system’s stock will not be increased.
- After user saved, the Inventory manager cross check the updated stock by using the function key, “view updated stock”.
- Once inventory manager verified and changes the stock, he will confirm the updated stock by pressing the function key “update stock”. After inventory manager confirmation only, the stock details of items will get increased.
- System should show alert message whenever the new transactional screen is opened until the inventory manager verify and updated stock in stock update master.
- Once the inventory manager confirms the updated stock then system will generated stock update number.
- The updated stock will be the system’s current stock.
- The updated stock can be viewed at any time by using the function key view.